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*Lead, Follow, or Get out of the Way*


Careers in the forest products industry have become more and more matter what type of work you choose.


Harvesting forest products is no longer a matter of just "cutting wood."  Safety, environmental issues, skilled labor shortages, and rising costs have changed this traditional Maine occupation.  Foresters and loggers today have to deal with these factors and more, using modern and more advanced skills to succeed.


The goal of the forestry program is to train individuals interested in forest resource related careers and basic wood harvesting skills in this demanding and rapidly changing field.  The forest products harvesting industry is facing a major skilled labor shortage in the very near future.  Young people who are trained and efficient in Certified Logging Professional andGame of Logging skills, both industry standards used in the forestry program, are going to be in much demand by the forestry and logging industry.

Introduction to Chainsaw Safety, Operation, and Heavy Equipment

This introductory semester course teaches students chainsaw and heavy equipment safety, Stihl small engine basics, and an overall introduction to forestry and heavy equipment.  Other topics may include tree identification, mapping, compass reading, and use of GPS.


Forestry/Wood Harvesting I


Students will gain a solid understanding and experience in safe chainsaw use, skidder, excavator and forwarder operation on the school logging job site. The successful student will also have training in basic chainsaw care and maintenance, tree identification, and GPS use, as well as tree and forest biology and other forest related topics.


Forestry/Wood Harvesting II


Students in this course will further develop their equipment skills on the school logging job site. Students will also learn basic forest management principles, advanced topics related to heavy equipment operation, and operational training on the CAT 305 excavator. Portable sawmill skills are also part of this level of Forestry. OSHA 10 hr General Industry certification is also a part of this course.


Forestry/Wood Harvesting III


The focus of Forestry 3 will be on excavation equipment operation and related activities. Training will also include Class A or B CDL training. Certified Logging Professional Apprentice certification will also be available for students aged 18 or over.


Forestry Advisory Board members:


  • Wayne Buck

  • Nat Mason

  • Adrien Morin

  • Mark Rabon

  • Merle Ring-Forester

  • Rex Rolfe-Rolfe Corp.

  • Peter Roy-Lucas Tree

  • James Pike-Logging Contractor


Instructor: Daniel Gilpatric

Phone: (207) 743-7756 ext. 9883
Fax: (207) 743-0667

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Instructional Asst: Aaron Timm

Phone: (207) 743-7756 ext. 1213
Fax: (207) 743-0667

OHTS does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.

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PO Box 313

Norway, ME 04268

Tel: 207-743-7756
Fax: 207-743-0667

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