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*Learn how to learn*


The Pre-Engineering program offers students the option of taking either the Electrical or Mechanical class. They are independent one-year three-credit classes designed for students interested in pursuing a career in engineering or related technical fields. Career exploration assists students in developing individual career paths and exploring related educational opportunities.


Pre-Engineering Electrical


Students receive instruction in Electrical and Electronics theory with associated laboratory experiments and develop electrical schematics using computer software applications.  These skills are then applied to the study of Robotics, Sensor Technology, Electro-Pneumatics, and programmable logic control systems (PLC's).

Students use industry standard hardware, interactive software and computer simulation offering a variety of hands-on learning experiences.  Discover how these skills are combined to form the foundation for many automated systems.  Career exploration assists students in developing individual education and career paths.


Pre-Engineering Mechanical


This class offers instruction in metal working and machining, power transmission systems, fluid power systems, industrial materials, basic machines and mechanics, and blueprint/schematic reading and applications.  Traditional text/workbook study is combined with hands-on laboratory activities.  Students use industry standard equipment and are introduced to computer numerical control systems for machining (CNC) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM).  Career exploration assists students in developing individual education and career paths.

Pre-Engineering 1

Students in this course learn what Electrical/Mechanical Engineers and Technicians do on a daily basis. The focus of study centers on strategic problem solving using the Scientific Method and Engineering Design Process.  Students with little or no technical background will learn the skills to make a mobile robot by the end of the class. Students first gain an understanding of basic electricity and mechanical principles in the classroom then reinforce those lessons in the lab using industry standard applications, hardware, interactive software, and computer simulation offering a variety of hands-on learning experiences. Career exploration assists students to develop individual education and career paths.

Pre-Engineering 2

Building upon the foundation set in Pre-Engineering 1, students focus more on what it takes to bring a product to market with an emphasis on product design.  Students learn about metal-working and machining, power transmission systems, fluid power systems, material selection, manufacturing processes, and maintenance systems, all coupled with a strong base understanding of Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) systems. These skills will have the student adequately prepared for either an entry level position in a local business or very prepared for post-secondary studies in the field of Engineering or Engineering Technologies.

Pre-Engineering 3

This is an independent study program centered around a major project. Students will focus on the field of engineering that they want to pursue in college or employment. Students are required to submit a proposal including a design basis, materials list, and project plan with a timeline for meeting their stated goals. The projects must include new concepts, hardware, and/or software they have not used before.


Pre-Engineering Advisory Board members:


Lloyd Pulsifer

Darren Bernier

Mike Mers-Kelly

Maurice Nadeau-CMCC

William Lovell, c-Link Systems, Inc.. 

Instructor: David Langevin

Phone: (207) 743-7756 ext. 2245
Fax: (207) 743-0667

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